The Reading Hut®
"On a mission to inspire every child to read, learn, and find joy in words. To achieve this, we must stop making learning to map words so difficult for so many."
Connecting Young Minds to Spoken and Written Words through Personalised Discovery Word Mapping – MyWordz® – Mapped Words®
The Different School
Two and Through! 2 Hours of Academic Learning per Day in KS1.
Reading, Writing and Maths (the 3Rs)
What will happen when we roll out our learning differences screener for children about to turn 3? Many will be identified as 'at risk' of struggling to learn to read and spell when they start school, and yet what can we do to help them?
Most schools are still designed under the assumption that every child learns in the same way and at the same pace, despite the fact that each child is unique, and at least 1 in 4 children think and learn very differently due to their neurodivergent minds. Instead of designing for 'sameness' and only providing adaptations or interventions once children begin to struggle, we take a schema-driven (child-centred) approach, first learning about the child and focusing on what they need. Furthermore, children aged 4 - 7 do not need to spend more than two hours per day learning to read, write and understand mathematical concepts. Most of the day should be spent exploring their interests through play #playknowlodgy and understanding the world eg developing relationships, navigating social and communication skills, finding out who THEY are as individuals.
This means we need to be proactive about building a different kind of free KS1 provision, tailored for children aged 4 to 8 (KS1) with every child leaving ready to start 'regular' school (or supported homeschool) as confident, curious learners and avid, independent readers. Children will have the option to attend a physical space or learn online. This will also be a school where neurodivergent educators feel valued, accepted and heard. Those with EHC plans will be prioritised.
Furthermore, we have bold plans for the children who attend this 'different' KS1 provision.
Research indicates that children's innate problem-solving abilities and creative thinking often diminish upon entering formal schooling. A notable study by George Land and Beth Jarman, commissioned by NASA, assessed the creative potential of 1,600 children aged three to five using a test designed to measure innovative thinking. The results revealed that 98% of these children scored at the "genius" level in creativity. However, when the same children were retested at ages 10 and 15, the percentages dropped to 30% and 12%, respectively, suggesting a significant decline in creative thinking as children progressed through the educational system.
Further supporting this, educational psychologist Kyung Hee Kim analyzed data from the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking and found a continuous decline in creativity scores among U.S. schoolchildren from the 1990s onward. Kim's research attributes this decline to the emphasis on standardised testing and a lack of opportunities for creative expression within schools. Nesacenter
Additionally, a meta-analysis by Said-Metwaly et al. examined the development of divergent thinking—a key component of creativity—in school-age children and adolescents. The study identified a "fourth-grade slump," indicating a temporary decline in creative thinking abilities around the fourth grade, which may be linked to the increasing focus on conformity and standardised curricula in schools.
These studies suggest that traditional educational practices may inadvertently suppress children's natural problem-solving skills and creative thinking, highlighting the need for educational reforms that foster and maintain creativity throughout the schooling years. We aim to foster that creative 'outside the box' thinking!
How do we fund this free school?
The Different School will not only support and empower children during their first few years at school but also teachers, doubling up as a teacher training and research centre, live-streaming lessons, and providing ground-breaking tech and neuro-inclusive resources.
Two and Through! 2 Hours Per Day in KS1 Learning to Read Write and COunt (the 3 Rs)
Model School: We aim to establish a KS1 school that demonstrates how effective early screening can transform literacy outcomes. Our goal is for every child to enter Key Stage 2 as a proficient reader, offering a blueprint for other schools.
Live-Streamed Lessons: We offer live-streamed lessons and training sessions that show real-time word mapping techniques, allowing teachers to observe best practices.
Online Teacher Training: We provide both in-person and virtual training, making it accessible for educators to develop phonemic awareness and word mapping skills anywhere.
Why Invest?
The UK is facing a language, communication and literacy crisis, with 1 in 3 starting school with Speech and Language difficulties, and in 4 children unable to read by age 11. The Reading Hut Ltd offers a solution that starts with training teachers to overcome orthographic interference and develop strong phonemic awareness and a passion for personalised, discovery learning. By investing in our vision, you are supporting a scalable solution to the language, communication and literacy crisis, one that empowers teachers to change the lives of their students and transform the future of education.