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Monster Mapping! Speech Sound Monsters - MySpeekie

MySpeekie launches soon!

MyWordz® Tech : Mapping Words to Support the Communication, Reading and Spelling of Neurodiverse Learners. Launching shortly, under a licensing model.


*Map and Drag
*Phonemies Screen 
*Monster Mapping Lessons

Order the 'Code Mapping Tool' separately or as an add-on

Code Mapped Text shows the graphemes

With the support and funding from Innovate UK, I have designed a unique device that makes the links between spoken and written English not only easy for very young children to understand, as they are VISIBLE, but it also REDUCES cognitive load, ACCELERATES phonemic awareness and better supports their learning journey towards reading for pleasure. I'm excited! Emma Hartnell-Baker

Speech Sound Monsters - Monster Mapping with Phonemies - Phonetic Symbols for Children- Easier Reading and Spelling

We are Exploring Words in a New Way!

Imagine something totally different! Designed by the pattern-seeking mind of 'Miss Emma,' the neurodivergent 'Reading Whisperer®.' An innovative way for toddlers to communicate, read, and spell… earlier and easier than any other way, as they build on what they already know each day, exploring the words they want to explore... so that they avoid the mental anguish associated with the reading difficulties 1 in 3 face in school


Let's build a movement around having a voice and a confident connection between spoken and written words - excluding no one. Every child deserves the best start in life, and that includes having their own Speekie: MySpeekie!


As our Ortho-Graphix® movement grows, the CHILDREN will show us how they connect spoken and written English: Speech Sound Mapping words that have meaning to them.

Phonemies are at the heart of our Speech Sound Mapping work - called Speech Sound Monsters by the children- Phonetic Symbols for Children. 
Phonemies make the Phonemes Visible 


#OrthoGraphix #ReadingWhisperer #SpeechSoundMapping #EveryChildDeservesAVoice #InnovativeLearning #EarlyReading #InclusiveEducation #MySpeekie #ExploringWords

Phonemies - Phonetic Symbols for Children - Supporting Phonemic Awareness Mastery
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